TSW Encore: “A Day Without Yesterday,” Fr. Georges Lemaitre


a-day-without-yesterday-father-george-lemaitre-and-the-big-bang-father-gordon-j-macrae-slider2-sAn upcoming post slated for July 24 on These Stone Walls has a necessary Part I written at about this time three years ago entitled “A Day Without Yesterday: Father Georges Lemaitre and The Big Bang.” Those who want the scoop about what goes on inside my mind during idle moments might find some lurid material there, but mostly it is a post about one of my most respected role models in the priesthood of the 20th Century, Father Georges Lemaitre.The story of Father Lemaitre and his gifts to both science and faith will continue next week on These Stone Walls, and that post begins with a request that readers first revisit this one as a necessary prequel.So humor me, please. If – by some quirk of nature – you do not share my paranormal quest to comprehend the Universe, then the story of Father Georges Lemaitre is still the coolest story of science and faith in the 20th Century. Please read and share “A Day Without Yesterday: Father Georges Lemaitre and The Big Bang.” 


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