The Expendables: Our Culture's War Against Catholic Priests
. . . the woman came into the sacristy before Mass, introduced herself as a Buddhist, then introduced a woman accompanying her as her "lover." Father Guarnizo wrote that, like all priests, he presumes good faith when any person comes forward for the Eucharist, but this woman and her companion reportedly made a militant point of presenting themselves as living publicly a lifestyle that placed them in opposition to the Church. Note the word, "publicly." She made a point of divulging to Father Guarnizo before Mass the source and substance of her public separation from the Church. Then the woman went to a newspaper with her story of being denied the Eucharist by Father Guarnizo. Coming in the middle of Lent, it made just the sort of story the secular media loves to use to slam the Church. . . .

"Holy Hostility, Batman!" When the Gloves Come Off on Catholic Blogs
. . . I thought of Batman recently when I received a snail mail letter from TSW reader Dorothy Stein after her on-line exchange described above. I was struck by her message and I think you will be, too. I asked her permission to use it, so hear it is: "From watching some of the debate on Catholic blogs, I have come to the conclusion that there are factions in your Church whose prevailing agendas are to destroy the Church. Knowing that any sane person would realize as I have that there exists no evidence for your supposed guilt, I can only conclude that attacks on you are not motivated by that at all, but by your witness, your fidelity, your support of the priesthood, your asking your readers to remain faithful to their Church. If you were willing to abandon all that, as some others have done, it seems things would go so much easier for you. But don't do it, Father. Take the Bangs and the Bonks! It's for a good cause. Just learn when to duck!" . . .