Faith Trumps Relativism: Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day
. . . "The answer comes down to this," she wrote: "1960s-style liberation - from moral codes, family obligations, religious commitments - has betrayed us . . . So our baby-boomer parents partied hard, yet in so many cases left us only the hangover: heartbreak, addiction and broken homes, rising rates of teenage depression and suicide. The anything-goes religion of the late 20th century cannot prevent, or even explain these consequences. For Anna Williams, the solution for Catholic youth in the first decade of the 21st century has been evident. The solution is the great adventure of orthodoxy evident in The Catholic Spring seen in young Catholics throughout the Western world - including In our seminaries. They reject the assumptions Of the 1960s in favor of the creeds, practices, and moral codes that defined religious life in the Catholic Church for centuries. Why, Anna Williams asks, are these million young Catholics at World Youth Day so happy to be Catholic? "Because they've recognized that the Church's teachings are, in fact, true, and because freedom lies in self-sacrifice." . . .