Voices from Beyond
Open Letter to DC Bishop Who Lectured Trump
At a prayer service in Washington, DC, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde lectured President Trump and Vice President Vance on the threat they pose to the agenda of woke “progressives.”
At a prayer service in Washington, DC, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde lectured President Trump and Vice President Vance on the threat they pose to the agenda of woke “progressives.”
By William A. Donohue, Ph.D., Catholic League President
January 22, 2025
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, D.C. 20016
Dear Bishop Budde:
At the January 21 prayer service at Washington National Cathedral that featured President Trump, you mentioned that “people in our country are scared now.” You singled out people who “may not be citizens or have the proper documentation,” as well as LGBTQ persons. These people “fear for their lives.” You then made a plea to “find compassion.”
Your commitment to compassion is noble, but it is misplaced.
I work in New York City, and I witness daily how many New Yorkers are “scared” and “fear for their lives.” They are afraid of being mugged, beaten, raped and killed, often by people who have crashed our borders, people you refer to as lacking “proper documentation.” They, and in some cases their surviving families, are deserving of compassion. More than that, they are deserving of justice, and that means that illegal alien criminals must be apprehended and deported.
You are right to call attention to violence against LGBTQ persons. They have every right to be “scared” and “fear for their lives.” What you don’t mention is that the people who are most likely to victimize them are people just like them. In other words, it is not heterosexual guys who are beating up on gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons—it is people in their own ranks. It is called “intimate partner violence,” and the studies show how prevalent it is among LGBTQ persons.
In 2022, Psycom Pro, a psychiatry resource for clinicians, concluded that “More than half of transgender individuals experience partner violence or gender identity abuse.”
In 2020, seven experts published a study in the American Journal of Public Health on this subject and concluded that “Transgender individuals experience a dramatically higher prevalence of IPV [intimate partner violence] victimization compared with cisgender individuals [those who accept their sex identity], regardless of sex assigned at birth.”
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reviewed the literature on this subject and found that “43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime, as opposed to 35% of cisgender women.” It also found that transgender individuals experienced the highest rate of intimate partner violence.
The Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA Law, reviewed a number of studies on this subject. One of them found that “31.1% of transgender people and 20.4% of cisgender people had ever experienced IPV or dating violence.” It also said that three studies concluded that the lifetime intimate partner sexual violence prevalence among transgender people ranged from “25.0% to 47.0%.”
Even in sympathetic pop culture magazines, such as Portland Monthly, it is acknowledged that “statistically speaking, the most common perpetrators of violence against trans women are domestic partners.”
In short, misdirected compassion is not virtuous. You need to make a public statement addressing the fallacies of your remarks.
William A. Donohue, Ph.D.
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William A. Donohue, Ph.D. is President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. The Catholic League is the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization defending individual Catholics and the institutional Church against defamation and discrimination.
Dr. Donohue is the author of several books, including his most recent, Cultural Meltdown: The Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis. Dr. Donohue is a contributor and strong supporter of Beyond These Stone Walls.
Related posts:
Cultural Meltdown: Prophetic Wisdom for a Troubled Age
A Catholic League White House Plea Set Pornchai Moontri Free
Disney’s Disenchanted Kingdom Versus Parental Rights
The Unspoken Racist Arena of Roe v. Wade
From Fear and Humility to Hope and Love
Canadian Catholic writer Michael Brandon reviews Beyond These Stone Walls. This blog from a wrongly imprisoned priest is a guiding light for many around the globe.
Canadian Catholic writer Michael Brandon reviews Beyond These Stone Walls. This blog from a wrongly imprisoned priest is a guiding light for many around the globe.
Written on the Feast of the Guardian Angels by Michael Brandon, Ontario, Canada
Once again, a blockbuster article appeared over at Beyond These Stone Walls, this one titled “Travesty of Justice: The Ordeal of Father Gordon MacRae.” Every week I await the Wednesday morning posting on Beyond These Stone Walls, with some of the anticipation of a young child for Christmas, and every week I am not disappointed. The gift given is always just what I needed, never too much and never too little. And it is probably so for many of the other readers of BTSW postings, and so it is a unique gift for each of us.
And isn’t anticipation of Christmas a good thing? At that first Christmas we received the greatest gift mankind every received, the birth of Our Saviour; God became man for us. And that gift too is unique for each and every one of us. The same Jesus, the same manger, the same outward appearance, but he comes to each and every one of us where we are geographically and in our state in life.
The giving of gifts at Christmas was always meant to symbolize that greatest of all gifts, but has come more to mean conspicuous consumption. But, the underlying meaning of Christmas is still there, even if hidden from the eyes of most. So, when we receive our weekly gift from Father Gordon at Beyond These Stone Walls, we are there too receiving the original intent of Christmas, the gift of Christ. In this particular case we receive the gift of Christ from an Alter Christus, a man ordained to bring Christ to us.
Yesterday our gift though was a little different. It was a recounting of the case, life and trials of Father MacRae, by a very respected leader of the laity in America, Dr. William Donohue. If you have been on the BTSW site, or have come across articles or books by Ryan A. MacDonald or Dorothy Rabinowitz to name two of many, you have had access to the story of cruelty and manipulation that resulted in the false imprisonment of Father MacRae.
The available information on his case is voluminous, and with the different perspectives of the various writers focusing on particular aspects of the injustice of it all, and official documents, it is a challenge to put into a single perspective. However, Dr. Donohue does just that and for that BTSW readers should be grateful.
Dr. Donohue highlights the confluence of evil that was required for our friend and priest Father Gordon to end up behind bars in such an incongruous set of lies, deceptions, hatred, greed, and malevolence. The devil is in the details, and in this case we can see the devil in the details.
For further reflection we have the words of Saint Bernard an abbot and the author of the Memorare prayer. Saint Bernard, like Father Gordon was a lover of Our Holy Mother. In the Office of the Readings for September 10, we find that he wrote:
“The whole of the spiritual life consists of these two elements. When we think of ourselves, we are perturbed and filled with a salutary sadness. And when we think of Our Lord, we are revived to find consolation in the joy of the Holy Spirit. From the first we derive fear and humility, from the second hope and love.”
Father Gordon did not commit the crimes for which he was placed in prison, in no large part because they never happened. But, he is a sinner like you and me. Our Lord knew who he was, and also how he, like you and like me, is the very apple of His eye. He has allowed all that has happened to Father Gordon to occur for His Glory, in ways we cannot understand, in ways that are way above our pay grade.
I do not know anything about the depth of Father Gordon’s spiritual life before going to prison, but I read and see it becoming as deep as the ocean now. He has been taken to the places of fear and humility; it is evident in his writings.
Father Gordon’s gift of himself to us each week comes from the same place as the gift Jesus gave to us in His Birth, but also in His Death and Resurrection. That gift and every good gift emanates from the heart of the Father, and as God is love, so too these gifts are gifts of love.
Cherish the gift that is Jesus, and cherish the gift from his Alter Christus, Father Gordon as if it comes from the depths of the heart of Jesus, for it does. The gift we receive weekly from Father Gordon MacRae is a sign of God’s love for us.
A New Hampshire Ponzi Scheme Uncovered?
In September 2023 Claire Best wrote an article about how corruption drove the case against Fr Gordon MacRae in 1994 and St Paul’s School student Owen Labrie in 2014.
In September 2023 Claire Best wrote an article about how corruption drove the case against Fr Gordon MacRae in 1994 and St Paul’s School student Owen Labrie in 2014.
May 29, 2024 By Claire Best
The first civil lawsuit in over a thousand cases of alleged child sexual assault and other abuse brought by victims of the New Hampshire Youth Detention Center against the state has just concluded. A civil jury awarded David Meehan, the plaintiff, $38 million dollars. The attorney for the State, Brandon Chase for DCYF — the NH Division for Children, Youth and Families — quickly responded that it was only going to pay out $475,000 due to a cap for each incident and since only one box was filled by the jury, the State has interpreted that as only one incident.
Over the weekend, the attorneys for David Meehan filed a motion for an emergency hearing with the judge regarding the discrepancy. They included emails from jurors who had contacted them after the jurors saw the state’s announcement about the cap on WMUR — the local news station.
The jurors had been given instructions by the judge, not the attorneys. They would have also been briefed on what they could and could not do as jurors. One of the Frequently Asked Questions paragraphs on the State’s website for jurors is “When can I discuss the case?” The answer is: “As soon as the verdict is over you can discuss it with anyone except the attorneys and interested parties.”
David Vicinanzo and Russ Rilee were the lead attorneys for David Meehan. Vicinanzo is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney and a former Federal Prosecutor. He is also a partner at Nixon Peabody which is the law firm of former New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon MacDonald who is now the New Hampshire Supreme Court Chief Justice.
Attorneys Gordon MacDonald and David Vicinanzo previously represented the Diocese of Manchester when it shelled out millions for alleged abuse by priests following the framing of Father Gordon MacRae by Police Officer James F McLaughlin. He first went after the priest with a bogus story given to him by Sylvia Gale who worked with DCYF which has now been found liable for $38 million for wanton abuse in the 90s — concurrent with the timing of Father Gordon MacRae’s trial and failed appeal.
Gordon MacDonald’s application to the New Hampshire Supreme Court, where he now presides as Chief Justice, fails to mention the fact that he is still listed at Nixon Peabody as agent for a company managed by former NH Senator Gordon Humphrey who he designated as a referee.
Another referee is Justice John T. Broderick — the man who denied Father Gordon MacRae’s appeal in 1996.
Justice Broderick is overseeing the settlement payouts for claims against the Youth Detention Center from a $100 million fund established by the State for that purpose. He has been on a book tour with a volume he wrote about mental health which he claims was overlooked when his son attacked him with a guitar one night (landing the son in prison for several years).
Gordon MacDonald has been on the tour with him. The same names come up again and again in a close knit “club” whose members are the same now as they were thirty years ago. David Vicinanzo and Russ Rilee are apparently very happy that Justice Broderick is overseeing the claim settlements for the Youth Detention Center Cases. $66 million has been paid out thus far. Keeping a lower profile but getting fast settlements is their other pal from the Diocese days: Chuck Douglas Esq. Chuck Douglas is also Chair of the New Hampshire Judicial Selection Committee.
Meanwhile, Brandon Chase who is acting as attorney for the State and DCYF against Vicinanzo and Rilee, is also listed as one of the attorneys in the closed door hearings for former Detective James F McLaughlin and his fight as “John Doe vs Keene Police et al” to keep his list of crimes hidden from public view on the State’s Laurie List of officers with credibility issues.
Keeping it in the family is a must for this crowd. Blowing the lid on it all is a must for the public or anyone that cares about true justice as opposed to fake justice.
Lobbying by non-profits and financially interested parties has led the State’s Executive Council to release federal funds under the guise of training for police, prosecutors, victim specialists. But in fact, there is a clear pattern that demonstrates it is being released for self-dealing or gaming the system by this clique.
There is no doubt that abusive conduct by public officials — to whom children and young adults have been referred by state agencies who publicly advertise to be looking after their best interests — is the norm, not the exception and has been for decades.
The AG’s office has been criticized for its conflict of interests in the YDC cases but what is coming to light now is the way in which the self-dealing happens that enables bribery, extortion, abuse and cover ups.
I was shocked to find out that Joelle Wiggin, the “victim specialist“ for David Meehan and employed by Nixon Peabody for this purpose, went straight from working for the State and the NHCADSV — the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence — to working for the law firm.
Between the law firm and the victims’ advocates/NHCADSV, up to 55% of each settlement will be taken before the plaintiffs see a cent. The NHCADSV and Nixon Peabody managed to get the state to free up funds to train the victims’ specialists, to train the investigators, to pay for the pretrial publicity, to lift the statute of limitations for civil claims.
Polish it off with a touch of David Vicinanzo who has all bases covered between Gordon MacDonald on the Supreme Court and Vicinanzo's son who clerked for the First Circuit Judge (who was N.H. Attorney General during the time of David Meehan’s alleged abuse at YDC). Matthew Vicinanzo is currently an Assistant US Attorney under Jane Young who was Assistant Attorney General under Gordon MacDonald.
Nobody, among the powers that be in the courts, can point me to the Statute or laws that allow self-dealing by Lobbyists using public funds, police, prosecutors, media. That’s because there aren’t any.
The NHCADSV has published a guide on pretrial publicity. It’s a practice that James F McLaughlin knew in the 1980’s as he used the Keene Sentinel newspaper as his ally. One of McLaughlin’s 1988 police reports actually revealed that “Paul Montgomery, a Keene Sentinel reporter, is assisting in this investigation as a private citizen. He said that he would see what information he could find about the subject.” The “subject” referred to was Father Gordon MacRae. The Keene Sentinel did not publish an article about McLaughlin’s federal entrapment in 1995, ruled on as such by the First Circuit in 1998.
David Vicinanzo, Gordon MacDonald, the Diocese of Manchester and U.S. Attorney Jane Young are completely unbothered by all this. Just as they were not bothered by the fraud perpetrated by former Monsignor Edward Arsenault in 2014.
If everyone is in on the get rich quick game, there is little incentive to find justice, to find the truth, or to do what is right. The money is just too good.
Coincidentally, one of New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Justices who has served on the Governor’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Committee alongside members of the NHCADSV, has just been recused from an unrelated case before the Supreme Court. No reason was given but it happened after I questioned the Judicial Conduct Committee about financial disclosures for Barbara Hantz Marconi and Gordon MacDonald in relationship to their personal interest in their respective law firms. Did Gordon MacDonald refer victims of YDC abuse to the NHCADSV due to his own interest in Nixon Peabody, their “pro bono” legal counsel?
“Pro bono” is short for “Pro bono publico” — for the public good.
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Editor’s Note: We thank Claire Best for being this week’s Voice from Beyond. Thank you for reading and sharing this post. Please consider these related posts:
To Fleece the Flock: Trauma-Informed Consultants Are Here
Betrayed by Victims’ Advocates
Grand Jury, St Paul’s School and the Diocese of Manchester
Excerpt: From the Prison Journal of George Cardinal Pell
(Prison Journal Volume 2, pp. 57-60, Ignatius Press 2021)
(Prison Journal Volume 2, pp. 57-60, Ignatius Press 2021)
Entry of Friday, 2 August 2019:
“By a coincidence, today I received from Sheryl [Collmer], a regular correspondent from Texas, a copy of the 15 May 2019 post on the blog Beyond These Stone Walls written by Fr Gordon MacRae. The article was entitled, “Was Cardinal George Pell Convicted on Copycat Testimony?” Fr Mac Rae was convicted on 23 September 1994 of paedophilia and sentenced to sixty-seven years in a New Hampshire prison for crimes allegedly committed around fifteen to twenty years previously. The allegations had no supporting evidence and no corroboration.
“It is one thing to be jailed for five months. It would be quite another step up, which I would not relish, to spend another three years if my appeal were unsuccessful. But we enter another world with a life sentence. Australia is not New Hampshire, and I don’t believe all the Australian media would blackball the discussion of a case such as MacRae’s.
“The late Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ, whom I admired personally and as a theologian, encouraged Fr MacRae to continue writing from jail, stating, ‘Someday your story and that of your fellow sufferers will come to light and be instrumental in a reform.’ Fr Mac Rae recounts extraordinary similarities between the accusations I faced and the accusations of Billy Doe in Philadelphia, which were published in Australia in 2011 in the magazine, Rolling Stone.
“Earlier this year, Keith Windschuttle, editor of the quality journal, Quadrant, publicized the seven points of similarity, pointing out that ‘there are far too many similarities in the stories for them to be explained by coincidence.’ [See Keith Windshuttle, ‘The Borrowed Testimony that Convicted George Pell.’ Quadrant, 8 April 2019].
“The author of the 2011 Rolling Stone article was Sabrina Rubin Erdely, no longer a journalist, disgraced and discredited. In 2014 she had written, and provoked a storm which reached Obama’s White House, about ‘Jackie’ at the University of Virginia, who claimed she was gang-raped at a fraternity party in 2012 by seven men. As MacRae points out, ‘The story was accepted as gospel truth once it appeared in print.’ [Note: Rolling Stone later retracted the article in April, 2015]. Jackie’s account turned out to be a massive lie. A civil trial for defamation followed; the seven students were awarded $7.5 million in damages by the jury; and Rolling Stone was found guilty of negligence and defamation.
“The allegations behind the 2011 Rolling Stone article, published in Australia, have also been demolished as false by, among others, Ralph Cipriano’s ‘The Legacy of Billy Doe’ published in the Catalyst of the Catholic League in January-February 2019.
“No one realised in 2015, when the allegations against me were first made to police, that the model for copycat allegations, or the innocent basis for the remarkable similarities, was also a fantasy or a fiction.
“I am grateful to Fr MacRae for taking up my cause, as I am to many others. These include in North America George Weigel and Fr Raymond de Souza and here in Australia Andrew Bolt, Miranda Devine, Gerard Henderson, Fr Frank Brennan, and others behind the scenes.
“I will conclude, not with a prayer, but with Fr MacRae’s opening quotation from Baron de Montesquieu (1742) [from the BTSW ‘About’ page],
‘There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.’ ”
— Prison Journal Volume 2, pp. 57-60
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Transfiguration Behind These Stone Walls
On the Feast of the Transfiguration we ponder how a couple of men have been transfigured, not as dramatically as Jesus, but changed from the inside out nonetheless.
By Michael Brandon | Freedom Through Truth
August 6, 2014
Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration. It commemorates the day that Jesus took three of His disciples up on the mountain, believed to be Mount Tabor, and there, in an instant, was revealed in all His Glory before them, or at least as much as they could stand to see and live.
This happened just days after He had said to His disciples that: “There are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”
Transfiguration means a change in form or appearance, or a metamorphosis. Metamorphosis means a major change in the appearance or character of someone or something.
In fact, we are all called to change our form or appearance, to be conformed to Christ in us. Where Christ in His Transfiguration was actually changed and it was visibly obvious to the three disciples present, our transfiguration is more like a very slow metamorphosis and as that, might not be as obvious to those around us, as that of Christ was.
But, if we look with the eyes of faith, we can see the transfiguration or metamorphosis of people of faith all around us, as they seek to conform or accept being conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.
We are created in the Image of God, and so except for the presence of sin in our lives we should be able to see the Kingdom of God present in each other, because we are told and we believe that the Kingdom of God is at hand.
So, it seems appropriate to me at least, that on the Feast of the Transfiguration, we are reminded of how a couple of men have been transfigured, though that transfiguration is not complete yet, maybe not as dramatically as Jesus was on the mountain, but changed from the inside out none the less.
Around this time five years ago, Father Gordon MacRae, a priest, wrongly imprisoned in New Hampshire for sexual abuse that was contrived by a supposed victim to separate the Catholic Church from some of its money began writing the blog that is known as “Beyond These Stone Walls.”
I did not see the beginning of this blog, but came across it about a year later. So, though I missed the beginning, I have not missed the point, I hope. In the years that I have followed Beyond These Stone Walls, I have seen the transfiguration of Father Gordon MacRae, and his trusty sidekick Pornchai Moontri, as they have chosen to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Noting their Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I have followed their lead, not because I am a sheep, particularly, but because I believe in it, and needed only a little prodding from brothers I have never met to take the step myself.
The Father Gordon MacRae who began this literary part of his own journey of faith is not the Father Gordon MacRae you read today, nor is Pornchai the same. Both have been transfigured, and readers are the better for it, since we have before us a priest being a priest of God under very difficult circumstances, and a young man as his compatriot, who has fallen in love with our Lord and Saviour.
Father Gordon should never have been in jail, since he did nothing wrong, at least not in a legal sense. But, I think that he, knowing that he is a sinner in need of the grace of God, knows like all of us, if we would be honest with ourselves and with our God, that our sin is so grave that we, in fact, deserve whatever befalls us, and that life is not fair, because the author of life has a plan bigger than our own personal comfort.
Pornchai, on the other hand might in some sense deserve to be in prison for crimes he committed, but there again, there is more to it than that. Having read his story, I know that in the circumstances that I have read he was in, bearing in mind that whatever has been written is merely the tip of the iceberg, I might have done exactly what he did. As well, I would likely have had the same feelings of abandonment, anger and hatred towards those who betrayed me.
But God conspired to use the evil around them to bring them together for His greater Glory, and so with their cooperation he is transfiguring them into His own Image and likeness.
Christ was and is perfect, so His Transfiguration could happen in a fraction of a second. We, unlike him carry the stain of original sin, and of our own sin, and so ultimately transfiguration for us is a lifelong journey. But transfiguration happens in us more rapidly when we are committed to God’s plan for our lives, and when we do not let the stone walls in our lives keep us from the love of God for us, and which we are to share with our brothers and sisters.
Father Gordon and Pornchai have committed to do God’s will in a most unlikely venue, and that both blesses all who read Beyond These Stone Walls, and also encourages us, who most often are in better circumstances to amend our lives and conform ourselves to God’s plan for each of us.
If Father Gordon and Pornchai can tear down the figurative stone walls that surround them, even in the midst of literal stone walls, can we not do the same? The stone walls in our individual lives, disease, unemployment, poverty, woundedness in our relationships are very real, but must they possess us, or can we take the example of Father Gordon and Pornchai to heart, and accept these trials as part of God’s plan for our own transfiguration?
Pray for Father Gordon and for Pornchai that they will be faithful to the calling that God has put on their lives, but pray also that they will be an example to us of what faithfulness to God looks like, that we might follow their example.